We provide healthcare coverage to our members, allowing them to live free of worry, free of fear.


Total of Individual and Corporate Members


Total of Accredited Providers

Inspired with the goal of becoming the leading Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Company in the Asia, public perception, social responsibility, mission, vision and core values of the Company is on its high standard of service.


comprehensive Healthcare Plan

provide you with the correct and complete array of coverage that you are looking for

Forte Healthcare Plan

The best-suited plan for your hospitalization additional coverage at a very affordable price.

Fortiflex Healthcare Plan

Healthcare group plan. This healthcare program guarantees the following coverage and benefits


News and Updates

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Our Corporate Management Team is working closely with accredited hospitals, clinics, and doctors for us to provide quality and affordable healthcare.


Flexible Plans


Covers the age of 31 days to 70 years old


One of if not the most affordable individual health care package in the market


Major Operations are covered on the 2nd year unlike other HMO’s which covers major surgeries on the 3rd year.

Why choose our company

Here's how things are going to change.

Licensed & Registered under Insurance Commission: HMO-2022-01 R
Registered & In-compliance with National Privacy Commission
A proud member of Association of Health Maintenance Organization of the Philippines